Mi Hyung Kim, Han Byul Song, Yuleum Song, In Tae Jeong & Jung Wk Kim (2013). Evaluation of food waste disposal options in terms of global warming and energy recovery: Korea.

Evaluation of food waste disposal options in terms of global warming and energy recovery: Korea | SpringerLink

Energy recovery from wastes has a great potential for redu cing CO2 emissions and thereby resulting in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Evaluate and compare environmental impacts of various food waste management systems: Anaerobic digestion, co-digestion with sewage sludge, and volume reduction using a garbage dryer followed by incineration from generation to final disposal.

1.The environmental impacts of each stage were analyzed using LCA methodology and an indicator model

2.Dryer-incineration option was an available alternative for food waste recycling in a metropolitan area in Korea.

3.Concentrated on feed manufacturing for animals and composting

4. Each system was to treat food wastes to stabilize and sterilize the final goal of waste reduction and disposal by environment-friendly methods :

>Scenario 1- anaerobic digestion

> Scenario 2 - co-digestion with sewage sludge

> Scenario 3 - dryer-incineration

1.It was known that the anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and highly rich organics such as food wastes or animal manure could increase biogas production

2. The system boundary for LCA describes the time from initial food waste generation at the household to its final disposal

3.It has been generally accepted that the use of recycled materials is environmentally preferable to that of virgin raw materials because the environmental loads associated with the processing of recycled materials are less than those associated with the extraction and processing of virgin raw materials


Bobby Magill

(2016). CO2, Climate Change Seen As Waste Disposal Challenge. CO2, Climate Change Seen As Waste Disposal Challenge | Climate Central

Global warming as a waste disposal problem.Carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere causing pollution to be removed from tailpipes and power plants, trapping heat and heating the planet

Emissions in terms of trash that needs to be taken out may draw more attention to something called negative carbon emissions  the process of physically removing carbon dioxide from the air to reduce its concentration in the atmosphere

1. Negative carbon emissions  the process of physically removing carbon dioxide from the air to lower its concentration in the atmosphere  may attract greater attention as a result of the rubbish that has to be removed.

2. Carbon dioxide removal and drastic emissions cuts are necessary to stop global warming.


1. Negative emissions may have to be part of the strategy to stabilize the climate, but most climate policies aim to tackle climate change by cutting carbon emissions, not removing them from the atmosphere.

2. Reduce carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere is in terms of an overflowing bathtub: The tub is filling up with water, and it’ll eventually overflow if some water isn’t removed.

Lund University International Masters Programme in Environmental Science Lund University, Sweden 22 November 2004.The Potential for Climate Change Mitigation in the Nigerian Solid Waste Disposal Sector: A Case Study from Lagos. (page 23-27) Wale Aboyade's thesis (

In reality about 30% of waste generated never gets to disposal sites (Agunwamba, 1998)

Carry out an assessment study of waste composition and generation rates in Nigeria . Waste collection has been the priority.

1. They go from house to house collecting waste and are paid directly by the clients.

2.Another set of operators in the waste sector are local waste collectors who with the aid of carts.

3.Collect waste from clients who also pay them directly.

1. LAWMA Akinwale Aboyade, LUMES Thesis, 2003/2004 24 currently operates 3 dumpsites; Olusosun, Solus and Abule-Egba.

2.  The bulk of MSW revenues tend to focus on collection services to the detriment of proper disposal services.

3.Actual dumping started in 1992 in the southern cell at a depth of 8 meters. The cell system under which it was designed no longer exists.

Punter, P., Ochando‐Pardo, M., & Garcia, J. (2011). Spanish secondary school students' notions on the causes and consequences of climate change. International Journal of Science Education, 33(3), 447-464.

This paper is part of an extensive study of secondary school students’ preconceived ideas about

climate change..

This research aims, as far as possible, to ascertain secondary school students’ (aged

between 12 and 16) prior knowledge of the causes and consequences of climate


Therefore, this paper seeks to

accomplish the following goals:

● Ascertain whether students recognise the causes and consequences of climate

change and whether they are capable of differentiating them.

● Learn whether they feel responsible for the problem.

● Detect possible conceptual errors and interference from other environmental


1.Preliminary analysis of gender and type of school (urban, suburban and rural)

revealed that these aspects had no significant influence on the results. For this

therefore, these variables are not addressed in the next section

2.We can deduce from the results obtained that students are mainly aware of the

most ‘physical results’, such as an increase in the sea level, or an increase in temperature, both of which are consequences that have been more widely disseminated by

the media. Meanwhile, effects such as socio-economic problems or a lack of equality

among countries are much more difficult for secondary school students to understand and visualise.

● When students are allowed to freely suggest the causes of climate change, they

mainly name means of transport, air pollution, and industry. These three factors

involve direct emissions into the atmosphere and students are not directly responsible for them. However, household energy use and deforestation and the use of

land are less related to the origin of the problem.

● Students are aware of a large number of the consequences of climate change and

prove this in both open-ended and guided questions, the increase in temperature

and melting of the poles being named the most. However, they ignore the possible

socio-economic problems, such as migration due to a lack of adaptability, or

health problems.

Björklund, A., & Finnveden, G. (2005). Recycling revisited—life cycle comparisons of global warming impact and total energy use of waste management strategies. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 44(4), 309-317.


Recycling of waste materials has been analysed from a life cycle perspective in a number of studiesover the past 10–15 years.

1.Nevertheless,  the  general  public  as  well  as  decision  makers  often question  whether  recycling  is  really  the  best  option,  and  researchers  struggle  to  givean  answer.

2.If,  however,  focus  is  on  envi-ronmental issues and if the main objective of materials recycling is to minimise overallresource  consumption  and  environmental  impact,  the  question  should  be  addressedfrom  a  life  cycle  perspective  to  minimise  risks  of  sub  optimisation  (e.g.Clift  et  al.,2000).

1.Results from Denmark indicate that feedstock recycling may also be less favourable thanincineration of plastics with regard to GWP (Mølgaard, 1995). This is, however, contradictedby more recent results from Germany (Wollny et al., 2002), according to which feedstockrecycling  is  the  preferable  option.  Feedstock  recycling  produces  high  value  output,  buttypically has high energy consumption, which reduces overall performance.

2.Incineration uses more energy per tonne of treated waste than landfilling,while no energy is recovered from glass and metals. Thus, from an energy point of view,incineration makes little sense, while for practical reasons these fractions may end up inincinerators as part of a mixed waste stream.

3.The results are straightforward regarding recycling and total energy use, which is lower(in one case equal) for recycling than incineration or landfilling of paper and cardboard

1.The results presented in this paper indicate that producing materials from recycled re-sources is less energy intensive than from virgin resources.

2.What is needed to drawconclusions for a specific time and place is rather understanding of how to determine, whatthese key factors actually are in the specific case.

Global warming in Amazonia: impacts and Mitigation,Philip Martin Fearnside

SciELO - Brazil - Global warming in Amazonia: impacts and Mitigation Global warming in Amazonia: impacts and Mitigation

A worldwide temperature alteration has possibly disastrous effects in Amazonia, while simultaneously support of the Amazon backwoods offers perhaps the most important and financially savvy option for alleviating environmental change. We realize that the El Niño peculiarity, brought about by temperature motions of surface water in the Pacific, has genuine effects in Amazonia, causing dry spells and woodland fires (as in 1997-1998). Temperature motions in the Atlantic likewise incite extreme dry seasons (as in 2005). We likewise realize that Amazonian trees bite the dust both from flames and from water pressure under hot, dry conditions. Also, water reused through the woodland gives precipitation that keeps up with climatic conditions proper for tropical backwoods, particularly in the dry season. What we want to know rapidly, through increased exploration, remembers progress for addressing El Niño and the Atlantic motions in climatic models, portrayal of biotic criticisms in models utilized for decision-production about a worldwide temperature alteration, and restricting the scope of assessing environment affectability to lessen vulnerability about the likelihood of extremely serious effects. Things that should be arranged incorporate the meaning of "perilous" environmental change, with the comparing most extreme degrees of ozone depleting substances in the climate.

The goal of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN-FCCC), also known as the "climate convention," is to avoid greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere from reaching levels that create "dangerous interference with the global climate system" (UN-FCCC, 1992, Article 2). The definition of "dangerous interference" is still being negotiated.

Deforestation can be reduced through a variety of methods, including inspections and fines, the establishment of various types of protected areas (including "sustainable use" areas), various types of integrated development projects aimed at channelling labour and capital resources to sustainable land uses in deforested areas rather than clearing forest, direct payment for environmental services, and policy measures affecting infrastructure construction. Some of these choices, such as command-and-control measures, reserve establishment, and payment for environmental services, are exclusively available to environmental agencies like the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA).

Climate change is a threat to the Amazon forests, and loss of forests is a threat to the climate. Changes in land use in the Amazon region cause large emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide worldwide (Fearnside, 2007a, 2008a, 2008b). All hectares of deforestation have significant net emissions, so reducing deforestation rates represents an avoided effect. The potential value of these avoided impacts is much higher than the value gained from traditional land use such as the sale of timber and livestock. Base deforestation can be achieved. Avoiding deforestation is a means of transforming the value of forest environmental services into  cash flows that can be used by both forest conservation and forest protectors. Avoiding greenhouse gas emissions is the most likely environmental performance in the Amazon as an important source of income, and maintaining biodiversity and the water cycle is a potential source of long-term value. (Fearnside, 2008c). The use of the value of the  role of forests in maintaining the world's carbon balance depends on  reliable quantification of  emissions caused by deforestation.

Union Of Concerned Scientist

Tropical Deforestation and Global Warming,and+release+oxygen+during+photosynthesis.&text=When+forests+are+cut+down,degradation+contribute+to+global+warming










Global warming caused by tropical deforestation. The planet’s largest areas of tropical forest are the Amazon basin in South America, the Congo Basin in Central Africa, and Southeast Asia. The amount of deforestation, and its causes, are quite different in these three regions.

Identify how tropical deforestation contributes to global warming

1-Reduce rate of deforestation

2-Reforestation of trees

1-Forests are cut down to make room for a variety of agricultural products and other human activities. However, only four globally traded commodities are responsible for the majority of tropical deforestation today: cattle, soybeans, palm oil, and wood products.

2-When trees are cut down, much of the carbon that has been stored is released back into the atmosphere as CO2. Deforestation and forest degradation contribute to global warming in this way.

The Sources and Solutions: Fossil Fuels



The presence of excess nitrogen in the atmosphere.

Ways to reduce nutrient pollution.

1. Manage and reduce emissions

2. Increase energy efficiency

3. Conserve energy

4.Minimize the miles

1. Leading business are taking steps to understand and manage their greenhouse gas emissions by preparing annual greenhouse gas inventories and setting long-term targets to reduce emissions.

2. Improvig energy efficiency not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, it is good for a corporation’s bottom line.

3. You can do this by turning off lights, computers and televisions when you are not using them.

To help cut down on air pollution from cars, you can consolidate driving trips or take public transportation.

Fossil fuel production ‘dangerously out of sync’ with climate  change targets.

Limit long-term warming to 1.5 degree celcius.

Produce more fossil fuels in 2030

Limit long-term warming to 1.5 degree celcius, above pre-industrial levels ( Executive Director Of UNEP, Inger Anderson).


1.       Countries surveyed plan to produce around 110 percent more fossil fuels in 2030 than would be consistent with the 1.5 degree celcius limit, and 45 per cent more than what would allow a 2 degree celcius heating impact.

2.       Current plans would lead to about 240 per cent more coal, 57 per cent more oil, and 71 per cent more gas production in 2030, than would be consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5 degree celcius.


Environmental and Energy Study Institute. Fossil Fuels.

Burning fossil fuels has caused dramatic change to Earth’s climate.

Cleaner technologies such as renewable energy coupled with energy storage and improved energy efficiency can support a more sustainable energy system wit zero carbon emissions.


1. Renewable energy accounted for about 20 percent of U.S. electricity generation, and that share is expected to continue to grow.

2. Crude oil is proocessed in refineries to create fuel products and non fuel products.

3.  Coal used to generate electricity.

 4.Natural gas is burned to generate electricity.

1. Hydropower, biomass, wind geothermal and solar energy are reliable sources of renewable energy and have been a growing part of the U.S. energy mix.

2. Majority of the worls’ oil is pumped out of underground resrvois and processed in refineries to create fuel products and non fuel products such as fertilizers.

3. Coal used to generate electricity and has been stedily decreasing as the costs of natural gas and renewable eergy have dropped, making coal less competitive.

4. Burned natural gas used to generate electricity and commonly used to produce heat or electricity for buildings or industrial processes.




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