A)Knowledge and understanding on leadership
1. A leader is an individual who can
influence other individuals in a group.Something that is interesting in
leadership is the existence of leaders who are in the organization that has its
own structure by creating a relationship of leaders and followers to achieve
2.Excellent achievement in an
organization requires steps or activities planned by the leader to encourage
his followers to increase their determination and determination towards the
excellence of the organization.
3 Therefore, efforts towards the
unification of the activities of an organization depends largely on the
intelligence of a leader. In addition, to achieve the goals of an organization
a leader needs to have values and ethics where it needs to
formulate, clarify and appreciate the work culture in the organization.
4.The leader must also be sensitive to
be an example to its members and strengthen the practice and culture of
excellent work. Therefore, values and ethics guidelines need to be
framed for the leader to be able to lead his organization towards achieving the
desired goal of excellence.
5.Leadership is an internal element and spirituality is a key factor
that complements other factors towards achieving the goal of organizational
6. Finally, the success of
organizational excellence depends on leaders who supervise and provide quality
services and apply noble values in the organization.
B)Effective leadership
1. The first effective leadership you
need to have is trust and self-confidence.
This trait is the most important a leader needs to have. If you do not have this attribute then the
other attributes will have no meaning.
Being a leader starts with believing in yourself and your ability to
succeed. No one will be willing to
follow you if you don’t show them that you believe in
advance what you tell them and ask.
2.Second effective leadership: If you are
going to lead people in the outside world, then you definitely need to master
your inner world first before you become an effective and strong leader. So, you need to learn how to control
thoughts, passions and other things so that you can continue to focus on the
task at hand and learn how to deal with conflicts and confrontations when they
arise in your organization.
3. The third effective leadership: is
PATIENCE. This is especially important
when you are dealing with large groups as there will be no member of your team
who will disappoint you and you will be able to deal with it calmly and in a
manner that does not disturb the others.
So learn patience while under stress and radiate that patience to your
team so that they will happily continue to work with you.
4. The fourth effective leadership: is
important to be able to appreciate their feelings in your organization so that
you can see things their way and understand what is going on in their lives.You
need to be able to accept who they are and also help them if they are having
too many problems in handling work and
things that will affect their work.This will make you a leader that people will
be happy to follow wherever you go, so learn empathy and understanding and
practice as often as possible.
5. The fifth effective leadership:
ATTENTION. You must pay close attention
to the people in your organization and do your best to understand them so that
you can help them as often as possible.
Attention is also one of the most important leadership traits, so
practicing it will make them trust you as an effective leader because they know
you pay attention to them.
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